Friday, July 8, 2011

Boys' Pico Photos

The boys returned last Saturday after a week long trip climbing Pico Duarte, the highest peak in the Caribbean.  They had great weather all week and enjoyed their time!

The female students are currently climbing Pico, and their photos will be posted upon their return.

Here are some photos from the Boys' Pico trip 2011.

Getting ready to hit the trail . . . .

Hitting the trail . . . .

Crossing the river . . .

Cooking dinner at base camp . . . .

Awe the glow of the campfire . . . .

Ready to set out on the trail day #2 . . . .

Behold the view  . . . .

Up, up and away . . .

Hello down there . . .

Those boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do . . . .

The view from the top of Pico Duarte . . .

Apparently there is a lazy boy recliner rock at the peak . . . .

The "little men," ages 5 and 6, at the top of Pico!

Heading down to the valley . . .

Or more like up to the valley, then down to the valley, then up to the valley, then down to the valley . . .

With some beautiful sights along the way (like wild parrots).  Wild parrots not pictured.

The edge of the valley in view . . . .

A very refreshing bathing hole . . . 

For a much needed splash/bath . . . 

Making the most of this day . . . .

Chillin' and sunnin' and relaxin'

Panning for gold . . . 

One last shin dig in the valley . . . 

One more beautiful sunset . . . .

Alas:   escuela sweet escuela!